In this post: A round-up of beautiful fall (otoño) themed Spanish children’s books.
Are you looking for fall or autumn themed Spanish books for your kids?
At Llamitas Spanish we think thematic learning is the best way to immerse and engage your children in learning!
Thematic books are a great way to enrich vocabulary acquisition! In this round-up, see our top picks for the fall season.

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How do you say ‘Fall’ in Spanish?
The season ‘fall’ in Spanish is ‘el otoño’ (oh-toh-nyoh)
Some other thematic words include:
~ ‘Hojas’ = leaves
~ ‘Calabaza’ = pumpkin
~ ‘La cosecha’ = harvest
~ ‘Manzanas’ = apples
~ ‘Girasol’ = sunflower
~ ‘Espantapájaros’ = scarecrow
~ Bellota = acorn
Spanish Fall Themed Worksheets
Be sure to grab our Holiday and Seasonal bundle to teach your kids some fall themed vocabulary! With over 40 pages of games, songs, a short story and lots of adorable worksheets, your kids will LOVE learning about ‘fall’ in Spanish!
Now let’s dive into our favorite Spanish fall themed books!
Spanish Books for Fall
La calabaza rodante
In this adventurous story, Marla Pequeña is chasing her run away pumpkin through the town shouting “¡Ayuda! ¡Mi calabaza gigante se va rodando! ¡Allí va, rodando y girando, sin señas de detenerse!” She receives some help along the way!
Cucú, ¿estás ahí? – ¿Dónde estás, zorrito?
One of my favorite UBAM series for ages 0-4. This beautifully illustrated book has peek through holes and fingertrails as your child tries to find the ‘zorro’ (fox)! It is a perfect title for sensory, hands-on learning and play-based reading.
¡El otoño ya está aquí!
This sweet book shows how the arrival of fall affects the wildlife and nature within the forest, all through the observations of a squirrel. We see leaves falling, bears filling their bellies in preparation for hibernation and hedgehogs preparing nests.
El conteo regresivo del otoño
This is another great illustration of how the fall changes the behavior of the wildlife as they prepare for the winter, as well as the trees in the forests that change and what they produce.
En la granja
We are utterly obsessed with the shine a light series, and this particular title is perfect for fall.
Place a flashlight behind each page to reveal hidden images of life on the farm. It’s interactive and full of exciting facts and illustrations.
Perfect for ages 4+
Carlos and the Squash Plant
This bilingual story will get your children laughing out loud as they meet Carlos, an avid young gardener in New Mexico and follow his adventures.
Also in this series: Carlos and the Cornfield / Carlos y la milpa de maíz
In Autumn / En otoño
Such a lovely bilingual book to practice key vocabulary from the season. With real life photos, this is a great option for Montessori families and young children.
En otoño: colorea y recorta libro para niños
Perfect for preschool! With over 50 characters, your child will learn about leaves, pumpkins, hedgehogs, mushrooms and more in Spanish! The cut outs make the learning experience far more hands on!
El otoño (Las estaciones)
Another fantastic first concepts book for younger children. With real life pictures and short phrases, your child will learn all about the autumn season.
Related post: Weather and Seasons in Spanish
La cosecha de calabazas/Pumpkin Harvest
Learn all about ‘calabazas’ (pumpkins) in this brightly illustrated picture book!
Fall / Otoño
Centered around indoor and outdoor play, this bilingual board book explores all the unique concepts about the season of fall. Perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
Diversión con calabazas en otoño
Another wonderful picture book to learn about the lifecycle of a pumpkin. Your child will also learn many ways to enjoy using pumpkins during this harvest season.
Also available in this series:
Diversión con las hojas de otoño
Diversión con animales en otoño
Diversión con manzanas en otoño
¡A recoger manzanas! (Apple Picking Day!)
Great for emergent readers, this first reader book from the Leyendo a Pasos series will delight your young reader as they discover the joy of apple picking.
Baila como una hoja
A heart warming picture book about a young girl who celebrates fall with her abuela, whose health is declining. The beautiful and poetic feel to this story, paired with the gorgeous illustrations, is a real celebration of life.
Don’t forget to pop over to the freebie library to grab you FREE fall themed resources!
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Founder of the Llamitas Spanish® Curriculum and former Spanish teacher. Corrie holds two Master Degrees in Spanish and Education. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband and two bilingual children.