Llamitas Spanish Level 2 Curriculum
Level 2 is perfect for students who have completed Level 1, OR have at least 1 year of formal Spanish/ dual language education.

With Bilingual Scripts
Simply open the lesson, read the teacher scripts out loud and the child complete the activities on the page!
Everything is open and go!
You can facilitate the lessons in the language you feel most comfortable in and switch later if you need to: Spanish is in blue font, English is in purple.
The content
What Academics are Included in the Lessons?
1. Phonemic awareness
Phonics and Spelling
Building on level 1, your child will develop more advanced Spanish phonics through beautiful texts, stories and unit vocabulary. Native speaker audio is included to support pronunciation!
- Syllable counting: ‘bisilabas’ and trisilabas’, decoding CVCV words, homophones, suffixes, contractions 'al and 'del', reviewing letter sounds 'c', 'z', and 's', 'b' and 'v', endings and agreements, reviewing the letter 'ñ'
- Sentence structure and copywork
- Poetry and recitations
- Multiple Native Speaker Voice Actors from different Spanish speaking countries allow the child to tune into a variety of accents. (Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica, and Venezuela.)

2. building on the math in level 1
Math in Spanish
In Level 2, they will review concepts taught in Level 1 like counting, 2D shapes, and master a few new concepts including:
- Telling the time on the hour only (Full clock taught in level 3)
- Learning to identify more complex 2D shapes
- Practicing addition and subtraction up to 20 with word problems.
- Learning to identify odd and even numbers
- Skip counting in twos and fives
- Understanding the term ‘longitud’ (length)
- Reading simple bar charts
Cuentos Cortos Infantiles
Your child will continue to develop foundational reading skills in Spanish, and start learning basic grammar concepts in context. This is key! No drilling, no verb charts.
- Developing grammar with a series of 6 culturally authentic and beautifully illustrated short stories and corresponding activities in the textbook
- Develop comprehension skills through event sequencing, copywork, and narration
- Grammar in context! Learning punctuation, verbs, adjectival endings, compound nouns, adverbs of frequency, possessive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, conjunctions, spelling and more through stories (not drilling!)
- Read 18 bilingual readers: 3 per unit to practice the unit vocabulary and grammar
- Listen to 9 long form texts with audio: Immersion and mixed language versions available
- Audio-video stories included for each story with gentle animations from the book!

4. Songs, nature, and influential latinos
Cultural Studies and Sciences
Your child will learn more beautiful and culturally authentic folk songs and traditions in Hispanic culture.
- 18 traditional Spanish songs recorded by Latin Grammy award-winning Guatemalan Voice Producer, Andrea Aguilar. Songs include: ‘Bate, bate, chocolate’, ‘El patio de mi casa’, ‘Cucú cantaba la rana’, ‘Caballito blanco’, ‘Arroz con leche’, ‘Pin Pon es un muñeco’, and many many more!
- Classifying vertebrate animals, the life cycle of a frog, the Monarch migration to Mexico, hibernation, and environmental factors that cause animals to become endangered or extinct
- Learn about the national Mexican dance, cultural traditions, and the significant contributions of famous Latinos Sharuko (Peruvian architect) and Pura Belpre (Afro-Puerto Rican librarian)
6 thematic Units and 6 Authentic CHILDREN'S STORIES
- Unit 1: La rutina diaria (Daily Routine): Learn to talk about your daily routine, as well as a trip to the playground, and lots of reflexive verbs.
- Unit 2: Los pasatiempos (Hobbies): Learn to talk about general hobbies and also some specific to Hispanic culture, plus giving opinions and reasons.
- Unit 3: Creciendo juntos (Growing Together): Learn about caring for babies, as well as fun fiestas and traditional family celebrations in Hispanic culture, like 'una quinceañera'.
- Unit 4: Los animales extintos y en peligro de extinción (Extinct and Endangered Animals): Learn about animals that are endangered and discover why certain animals went extinct.
- Unit 5: Los animales que hibernan (Hibernating Animals): Learn about hibernation and which animals hibernate in the winter.
- Unit 6: Los vehículos de construcción (Construction Vehicles) : Learn about trucks, diggers, cranes, and more in this fun theme.
- Story 1: La vaca que se baña (The Bathing Cow) Practice reflexive verbs, and letter sounds 'b' and 'v' in this story about a Latino family's ranch.
- Story 2: Los pasatiempos de Marcos (Marcos' Hobbies) Discover the traditional hobbies of a young Mexican boy called Marcos including El Jarabe Tapatío, Lotería and more.
- Story 3: Valera la quinceañera (Valera's 15th Birthday) Discover the beautiful traditions and celebrations that take place during a 15 year old's birthday party. An incredible fiesta full of color, lights, and fun!
- Story 4: El delfín rosado (The Pink Dolphin) Learn about why the pink dolphin from the Amazon river is endangered, as well as some curious folklores about these intelligent animals.
- Story 5: La mariposa Monarca (The Monarch Butterfly) Follow a beautiful and brave Monarch butterfly as it makes its migration to Mexico- a natural wonder in our world!
Story 6: Las piñas de oro (Golden Pineapples)
A nonfiction story about how pineapples are harvested in Costa Rica. Discover how they are processed by the farmers and machines.
Plus, for each unit's theme You'll also get
Optional Extra Resources
music playlists
Thematic Music Playlists on Spotify for on the Go
Book Menus
Recommended Book Lists for Optional Further Reading
Print at home Flashcards
Flashcards you can Print at Home to Review Unit Vocabulary
Choose Between Two Purchasing Options
One-time payment of
- Full access to the Level 2 curriculum portal: Print the 6 unit PDFs at home
- Anthology "Cuentos cortos infantiles" with 6 stories (PDF Print at home)
- 18 Bilingual Readers (PDF Print at home)
- 18 Traditional Spanish Songs
- 200+ Native Speaker Audio Tracks with voice actors from different Spanish speaking countries
- 6 Audio-Videos of the anthology stories
- BONUSES: Thematic Book Menus, Music Playlists, and Flashcards (Not necessary for lessons but fun extras!)
- Lifetime Access (One time payment: no monthly or annual renewal fees!)
- Does NOT include Printed Set
One-time payment of
- Everything included in the Level 2 curriculum portal ($147 value)
- Printed Set of THREE books shipped to you:
- Level 2 Textbook (includes all 6 units)
- Level 2 Bilingual Anthology "Cuentos Cortos Infantiles"
- Level 2 Bilingual Reader Collection (18 total readers)
Here's what our families are saying...

Your Child After This Curriculum:
- Greater confidence reading and understanding Spanish
- Wider range of vocabulary and foundational Spanish grammar skills
- Deeper appreciation for Hispanic culture
Is Level 2 Right for You?
Our curricula levels are sequential. Please take advantage of our placement quiz to help find the perfect level for your child.
This is perfect for you if:
- Your child has completed our Llamitas Spanish Level 1 curriculum. OR your child has had at least 1 year of dual language / formal Spanish education.
- You are willing to facilitate the lessons. We make it easy for you! The textbook provides step-by-step, scripted lessons so you can facilitate with ease.
- You love authentic stories rooted in the Hispanic culture and learning grammar in context through stories!
- Your child enjoys working with beautifully illustrated worksheets and completing 'book work'.
- You want a curriculum that mirrors dual language immersion for Spanish: your child is not just learning vocabulary in Llamitas Spanish curriculum levels, but also learning Spanish phonics, basic math, literacy, music, art, and humanities. Llamitas Spanish is a wholesome, fully enriched, and cross-curricula Spanish program.
This is NOT for you if:
- Your child is a complete Spanish beginner and does not have the foundations in Spanish phonics (letter sounds and syllables in Spanish) or counting to 100. (We recommend starting at Level 1 to avoid gaps.)
- You just want to learn some vocabulary in Spanish for a vacation. (This is a comprehensive, fully enriched Spanish curriculum!)
- You want to be hands off and have a tutor teach your child Spanish. (YOU facilitate the lessons but we tell you what to say!)
- You want to learn grammar 'the old school way' with verb drilling and conjugation charts. (We teach grammar in context through beautifully illustrated stories.)
You don't want 'book work'.
(Our curriculum levels are almost entirely screen free, with the exception of optional audio-videos, and are formatted as open-and-go textbooks.) -
You don't like thematic learning.
(We teach through themes: phonics, vocabulary, math, literacy, art, and humanities subjects are all connected to a theme in each unit.)
How it works
Here’s what happens when you buy
Join LEVEL 2
Complete the checkout process Choose digital only (print at home) or with print (we ship to you!)
Setup your Account
You will be prompted to setup a username and password.
Current students will see this new course added to their existing account upon purchase.
Download the lessons and enjoy learning Spanish!
You've got questions? We have answers!
Level 2 assumes your child has completed Level 1, or has at least 1 year of dual language / formal Spanish education.
For non native speakers: ages 6-10.
For native speakers: ages 6-8.
Level 2 is most correlated with ‘primer grado’ for CCSS en Español.
Take our Placement quiz if you are unsure. Our curricula is sequential!
Level 2 is made up of 6 thematic units with 12 lessons per unit.
Each lesson takes 20-30 minutes to complete.
We have designed Llamitas Spanish to support both native and non native speakers.
If your child is a complete beginner, we highly recommend you start with Level 1.
We do provide lots of support for parents that are learning alongside their child:
~ The textbook provides scripted lessons in both English and Spanish. English is in purple. You would read the purple only.
~ We also provide native speaker audio tracks, and pronunciation guides.
~ The anthology of short stories is also bilingual.
Everything is setup to support you so your experience is fun and stress free!
If you choose the printed version you do not need a printer. Everything is printed for you.
If you choose digital only (print at home) you will need to print:
- Level 2 Textbook: 300 pages (150 sheets)
- Level 2 Readers: 38 pages (19 sheets)
- Level 2 Anthology: 48 pages (24 sheets)
We recommend printing the textbook unit by unit as you go. Print the readers and anthology all in one go.
Each unit is about 40-50 pages (20-25 sheets). It is manageable! But the printed option is there for you if you want to hit the easy button!
Yes! You can choose between two payment options: The digital-only course (print at home) OR the digital + physical (printed spiral bound course book + anthology+ readers).
No. Everything is open-and-go.
Instructions are provided on page for parents / teachers to read. The student then completes the activities on page in the same book.
Yes. The Llamitas Spanish Levels do not include any religious teachings or biblical content.
Secular does not mean we are anti-religion. It simply means that we don’t include faith based content. If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to contact us.
Our Holiday and Seasonal Bundle includes content that pertains to the Christian cultural celebrations in Spanish speaking countries. This is not part of our curriculum levels.
We do! We love working with Charter Schools and Homeschool Co-ops.
Please visit our Charters page for more information.
This curriculum course is for your own personal, non-transferrable use only as per your agreement to our website’s Terms and Conditions.
You may use the materials within your own home or your own class of up to 10 students only.
You may not share your course login with other parents or teachers. The copying, distribution, publication, and reproduction of it without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property.
If you wish to share with a larger Co-op (more than 10 students), or school, please review our Extended Licenses.
We ship to U.S states and territories.
We can ship internationally but the rate is much higher. For an international shipping quote, please contact info@llamitasspanish.com and provide your full mailing address for an accurate quote.
Yes! We ship to APO addresses with USPS. Please contact us so we can arrange this for you.
Due to the digital nature of our curricula, all sales of digital products and/or services are final. No refunds will be issued.
Physical Products: We do offer a 30 day return policy for the physical portion of your order provided it is completely unused. The digital portion of your order is still non refundable.
You can read our full shipping and returns policy here.
Ready for level 2?
Choose between TWO purchasing options
Contact Us
Don’t see your question in the FAQ’s?
You can email us directly at info@llamitasspanish.com to get in touch.