In this post: Learn all about construction vehicles in Spanish with our Level 2 curriculum including the names of construction vehicles and their roles on a construction site.

Skid steer, backhoe loader, scissor lift, excavator. I never would have expected to learn the names of so many different types of construction vehicles, but that’s just what happens when you’re raising a boy!

Both of my kids have always loved watching the big trucks we see working around town—and I’m happy for the free entertainment, too. Kids are naturally curious about the world around them, and construction trucks are a fascinating topic that provides lots of opportunities for learning.

Construction vehicles Spanish lessons

At Llamitas Spanish, we teach kids Spanish through thematic units. This means that each unit is cross-curricular, incorporating core subjects, such as literacy, math, music, cultural studies, and more, in Spanish.

We also love to include topics that are engaging and fascinating for kids, like construction vehicles. In Level 1, students learned about transportation; Level 2 includes an entire unit about bulldozers, cranes, and excavators—all in Spanish!

Keep reading for everything you need to start learning about construction vehicles in Spanish.

Names of Construction Vehicles in Spanish

If your kids are really into vehicles and big trucks, they might already know the names of all kinds of construction vehicles. Maybe they have a few favorites or, if they’re like my son was at one point, they’ll correct you if you accidentally call a front loader a bulldozer.

If that sounds like your kid, you’ll definitely want to introduce them to these construction vehicle names in Spanish!

Construction vehicle names in Spanish
Spanish Pronunciation English Translation
excavadora ehks-kah-bah-doh-rah excavator
camión de volteo kah-myohn deh bohl-teh-oh dump truck
retroexcavadora reh-troh-ehks-kah-bah-doh-rah backhoe
aplanadora ah-plah-nah-doh-rah steam roller
pala cargadora pah-lah kahr-gah-doh-rah front loader
mezcladora mehs-klah-doh-rah cement mixer
buldócer boohl-doh-sehr bulldozer
asfaltadora ahs-fahl-tah-doh-rah paver
grúa groo-ah crane
grúa canasta groo-ah kah-nahs-tah crane man basket
montacargas mohn-tah-kahr-gahs forklift
ascensor de tijera ah-sehn-sohr deh tee-heh-rah scissor lift

Construction Vehicles Activities in Spanish

In our Level 2 unit on construction vehicles, not only will kids learn all about these work trucks in Spanish, but they’ll also:

  • Review nouns vs. verbs
  • Review singular and plurals verbs
  • Learn about compound nouns
  • Identify rhyming couplets
  • Learn about possessive adjectives
  • Understand the math concept of “longitud” and telling time on the hour

This thematic, cross-curricular approach to learning Spanish is key to developing language skills. You won’t find any drilling or conjugation charts in our lessons, including this unit on construction vehicles. Instead, students will learn Spanish in context.

They’ll also gain grammar and reading skills through our short story anthology, Cuentos Cortos Infantiles. In our construction vehicle unit, they’ll read the story called “Piñas de oro” about a worker on a pineapple plantation in Costa Rica who uses machines to help him complete his job more efficiently.

Llamitas Spanish Curriculum Level 2 Construction Vehicles Unit

Related post: Elementary Homeschool Spanish Curriculum

Vehículos de construcción Song

Songs are a wonderful, fun way to reinforce the vocabulary and other concepts learned in a lesson, and we often incorporate music throughout our Spanish curricula.

In our Level 2 curriculum, we’ve included our very own “Vehículos de construcción” song, written by us for our construction unit.

Check it out right here and sing along!

Spanish Lyrics English Translation
Vas a conocer los vehículos
Que están en la construcción.
Son grandes, ruidosos y geniales.

La excavadora cava
Mezcladora mezcla
La grúa levanta
La aplanadora aplana
El buldócer mueve
Y el camión de volteo tira.

You’re going to get to know the vehicles
That are in construction.
They are big, noisy and great.

The excavator digs
The cement mixer mixes
The crane lifts
The steamroller flattens
The bulldozer moves
And the dump truck throws it out.

Spanish Books about Construction Vehicles

At Llamitas Spanish, we love thematic learning, and reading beautiful picture books about a topic can be a great way to enrich the learning experience. That’s why we always provide lovingly curated book menus in our curriculums.

We’re excited to share some of those with you right here with our favorite Spanish books about construction vehicles:

Construir una carretera by Sally Sutton


Construir Una Carretera (Roadwork) (Construction Crew) (Spanish Edition)

  • Sutton, Sally (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 28 Pages – 02/12/2013 (Publication Date) – Candlewick (Publisher)

Curious kids will love learning what it goes into building a road with this picture book. Colorfully illustrated and full of entertaining sights and sounds, this is the perfect read for young kids who love construction trucks.

Demolición by Sally Sutton


Demolicion (Construction Crew) (Spanish Edition)

  • Sutton, Sally (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 22 Pages – 02/11/2014 (Publication Date) – Candlewick (Publisher)

This construction book is loaded with sound words and repetition that make it so fun to read. Vibrant illustrations will capture your child’s attention as the powerful machines bang, crash, and crack against buildings, leaving behind dust. What kid doesn’t love knocking things down?

Buenas noches construcción, buenas noches diversión by Sherri Duskey Rinker


Buenas noches, construcción. Buenas noches, diversión. (Goodnight,…

  • Hardcover Book
  • Rinker, Sherri Duskey (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 03/05/2019 (Publication Date) – Chronicle Books (Publisher)

Whether you already love Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Sight or not, this is a great choice to add to your collection. Say goodnight to all the different construction trucks as they settle in after a busy day of work. This makes a great bedtime book!

Un tractor muy, muy ruidoso by Mar Pavón


Un tractor muy, muy ruidoso (A Very, Very Noisy Tractor) (Spanish Edition)

  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • Hardcover Book
  • Pavón, Mar (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 28 Pages – 08/23/2013 (Publication Date) – Cuento de Luz (Publisher)

When a farmer rides her noisy tractor into town, she can’t hear the comments people make. Written by Spanish writer Mar Pavón, this empowering story shows a woman working in an unexpected field (agriculture) and being proud of her work.

Camiones en acción by Kane Miller

A father and son head out on a long journey, seeing many busy trucks at work along the way. Filled with colorful illustrations, lots of different construction vehicles, and easy-to-read rhyming text, this is an excellent choice that kids will love.

Homeschool Spanish Curriculum Levels

If you’re looking for a homeschool Spanish curriculum that takes the hard work out of raising bilingual children, Llamitas Spanish has you covered. Teaching a foreign language to your kids at home couldn’t be easier with our robust, open & go curriculum series.

Llamitas Spanish curriculum box and textbook mockup

Level 1 is perfect for beginners and includes fun topics that kids love—from transportation to family, ocean, and more!

Level 2 is for kids who have completed Level 1 or a year of formal Spanish lessons. This is where you’ll find our unit on construction vehicles.

All of our curriculum levels are completely done for you, so you literally just have to open the book and go. You don’t even have to have any prior experience with Spanish. Learn more about all that we offer in our curriculum shop!

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