In this post: Teach your kids the Spanish alphabet with these beautiful resources!
Do you want to teach your child ‘el abecedario’ (the Spanish alphabet)?
It’s one of the first things taught in Preschool, and for good reason! It provides a solid foundation for letter recognition and pronunciation.
However, learning the sounds of a new language can be daunting if you are a non-native speaker.
So I have put together a list of all the resources we use in our home to help you confidently teach the pronunciation, sound and letters of the Spanish alphabet to your child.

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Table of Contents
Spanish Alphabet Overview
The Spanish alphabet is called ‘el alfabeto’ or ‘el abecedario’. There is officially one more letter in the Spanish alphabet: the letter ñ. So in total there are 22 consonants and 5 vowels.
There are also other sounds and letters like ‘ll’ as in ‘llama’, ‘rr’ as in ‘perro’ and ‘ch’ as in ‘chancho’. However, these are not official letters according to La Real Academia Española (, so they were not included in some of these resources. It is good to be aware of them though!
Here is the Spanish alphabet from the Llamitas Spanish curriculum. Notice that two versions of ‘Y’ are given, since it can vary across the Spanish speaking countries:
Let’s dive into the resources!
ABC Spanish Flashcards
Firstly, I wanted to share a the Llamitas Spanish Preschool Morning Binder which includes a set of animal themed alphabet flashcards. I may be biased, but I think they are oh so pretty!
The download also includes access to an audio playlist with native speaker pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet as well as the animals representing each letter.
With letter tracing and letter recognition, the Llamitas Spanish Morning Binder provides the next step up for children in early years education.
The ABC printables support fine motor skills while helping to consolidate the foundations of the ABCS and counting in Spanish.
Related Post: Best Spanish Alphabet Songs for Kids
Spanish Alphabet Poster
I am truly obsessed with this matching poster! At 16 x 20″ it is a statement piece of wall art, ideal for a playroom or children’s bedroom.
It would also make a really fun and unique gift for a bilingual family!
Shop the Llamitas Spanish Alphabet Poster here
Spanish Alphabet Children’s Books
There are many options when it comes to Spanish alphabet books for kids. In my experience, the most treasured titles are those that are authentic and culturally rich.
Two titles that we own and love in our bilingual home include:
This is a beautiful and authentic ABC picture book by Lulu Delacre. With lyrical text in both Spanish and English, we travel to the magical world of a cloud forest in the Andes of Ecuador.
The beautiful illustrations and richness of fauna and flora makes this our top choice for learning about the natural world found in Latin America.
For the Spain obsessed people like me! I have extremely fond memories of my year living in Spain and so this book felt made for me!
This vibrant title by Bilingo Books teaches the ABC through words that relate to Spain and its rich and beautiful culture. I recommend ordering the hardback copy since it’s so sturdy and large! It makes an eye catching feature in any bookshelf.
ABeCedarios: Mexican Folk Art ABCs

A stunning Mexican version of the ABCs with wooden sculptures that really engage the reader.
I loved that this book was not only bilingual, but had the same animal for each letter in both languages! For example, ‘the elephant – el elefante’.

A unique but powerful way to teach the ABCs in Spanish! This alphabet book focuses on words that help children express their emotions. It is beautifully done, with a highly accurate Spanish translation by my friend Natalia Sepúlveda, founder of Bilingual Lifestyle.
Additional Learning Tools
I really enjoy hands-on learning with the kids. We use these Sandpaper Letters to practice the alphabet, although they do not have the letter ñ. We are a Montessori (ish) home and so I do try to use Monti-inspired resources where I can.

I also really love our Wooden Moveable Alphabet. This has been a great investment for our kids. I appreciate that they differentiate with the vowels in blue and the consonants in red.
Well there you have it! I hope these resources help you get to grips with the Spanish alphabet and, most importantly, to have fun in the process!
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Founder of the Llamitas Spanish® Curriculum and former Spanish teacher. Corrie holds two Master Degrees in Spanish and Education. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband and two bilingual children.