In this post: Make your speech more natural and engaging by learning some of the most commonly used idioms in Spanish.
Looking for a fun way to level up your Spanish? Learning some common Spanish idioms is a fantastic way to start speaking more like a native and liven up your conversations.

It’s also a great way to avoid confusion in your daily conversations. If someone has ever said that you’re “like a goat” or that a rooster fell asleep on them, you’re in the right place—we’ll tell you what those funny sounding Spanish idioms mean.
Idioms are an important and fascinating part of learning any language. They really help you to go beyond basic vocabulary learning and dive deeper into the culture and nuances of the language.
At Llamitas Spanish®, we’re passionate about helping families to raise bilingual and biliterate children. All of our lessons are both academic and fun for your child! We provide phonics work and spelling and literacy development in each lesson.
Table of Contents
What are Spanish idioms?
An idiom is a phrase or saying with a figurative meaning that often doesn’t make literal sense or is grammatically unusual.
For example, an idiom often used in English is “raining cats and dogs.” Of course, this doesn’t mean cats and dogs are literally falling from the sky! While your preschooler might give you a funny look if you say this, most native English speakers are familiar with this saying and know that it means it’s raining a lot.
All languages have their own unique idioms. This means that if you tried to translate an English idiom into Spanish literally, like “It’s raining cats and dogs,” it would lose its meaning. Spanish speakers have an entirely different phrase for this: “Llueve a cántaros” or “Llueve a mares.”
Related post: Adivinanzas: Easy Spanish Riddles for Kids
5 Reasons You Need to Learn Spanish Idioms
Learning popular Spanish idioms is an integral part of learning the language and culture. Here are five reasons you need to learn Spanish idioms and include them in your Spanish lessons:
- Understanding native speakers and day-to-day conversation
How often do you use idioms in your everyday conversations? The answer to that may be more than you realize, as some scholars estimate that there are over 10,000 idioms in the English language alone!
If you’re traveling to any Spanish-speaking countries, knowing some common Spanish expressions and idioms will help you to keep up with the locals. Keep in mind that some idioms can vary depending on the country.
- Understanding the culture and context of the language
Like language in general, idioms are often connected to the culture of the language you’re studying too. Some sayings may come from Spanish folktales and proverbs, which is why you can have different idioms in different Spanish-speaking countries.
- Speaking more like a native speaker
Learning common idioms in Spanish will help you to level-up your language and give you the opportunity to add some creative flair to your conversations. It’s a great way to make your use of speech more natural, engaging, and like that of a native speaker!
- Saying more with less
One of the reasons we use idioms in any language is because they’re often a really efficient use of language! Idioms are rich with meaning, and one of these short phrases will usually conjure up an image and provide details for your listener without you having to spell it all out for them.
- Avoiding mistranslations and social awkwardness
With figurative language, attempting to directly translate from English to Spanish (or translate from Spanish to English) will only lead to confusion for everyone. Knowing some of these sayings will help you avoid some embarrassing social situations and frustration.
Related post: Funny Animal Jokes in Spanish for Kids
>> Grab the full list of idioms in a FREE download in our Freebie Library.
30 Common Spanish Idioms
We’ve rounded up 30 of the most common idioms in Spanish examples here, along with literal translations, the meaning, and ideas for how to use them in a sentence.
Meter la pata
Literal Translation | Put a leg or foot in it |
Meaning | Ruin something or make a mistake |
Similar English Idiom | Drop the ball |
Example | No quiero meter la pata. I don’t want to mess up. |
Llover a cántaros
Literal Translation | Rain to pitchers |
Meaning | Rain heavily |
Similar English Idiom | Raining cats and dogs |
Example | Estuvo lloviendo a cántaros todo el día. It was pouring rain all day. |
Tomar el pelo
Literal Translation | Take/pull your hair |
Meaning | To trick you into believing something (usually harmless) |
Similar English Idiom | Pull your leg |
Example | A: ¡Ganaste un viaje a la playa con todos los gastos pagados! B: ¿Me estás tomando el pelo? A: You won an all paid trip to the beach! B: Are you serious? |
Ser pan comido
Literal Translation | To be eaten bread |
Meaning | Easy |
Similar English Idiom | A piece of cake |
Example | El examen es pan comido. The exam is very easy. |
En un dos por tres
Literal Translation | In a two by three |
Meaning | Very quickly |
Similar English Idiom | In no time |
Example | Lo hago en un dos por tres. I’ll do it in no time. |
Estar como unas castañuelas
Literal Translation | To be like a pair of castanets |
Meaning | Very happy |
Similar English Idiom | Happy as a clam |
Example | Está como unas castañuelas. He’s happy as a clam. |
Estar más sano que una pera
Literal Translation | Healthier than a pear |
Meaning | Very healthy |
Similar English Idiom | Fit as a fiddle |
Example | Mi abuela tiene 70 años, pero está más sana que una pera. My grandma is 70 years old, but she’s fit as a fiddle. |
Disfrutar / Divertirse como enano
Literal Translation | Enjoy yourself like a dwarf |
Meaning | Have a great time |
Similar English Idiom | Have a blast |
Example | Estoy disfrutando como enano. I’m having a blast. |
Ser un ave nocturna
Literal Translation | To be a nocturnal bird |
Meaning | Someone who stays up late |
Similar English Idiom | To be a night owl |
Example | Soy un ave nocturna. I’m a night owl. |
Ser más fuerte que un roble
Literal Translation | Stronger than an oak tree |
Meaning | Very strong |
Similar English Idiom | Strong as an ox |
Example | Es más fuerte que un roble. He’s as strong as an ox. |
Aburrirse como una ostra
Literal Translation | Bored as an oyster |
Meaning | Very bored |
Similar English Idiom | Bored to tears |
Example | Me aburro como una ostra. Vámonos. I’m bored to tears. Let’s go. |
Estar hasta las narices
Literal Translation | Up the noses or nostrils |
Meaning | Had enough of something |
Similar English Idiom | Fed up, sick and tired |
Example | ¡Estoy hasta las narices de tanto tráfico! I’m fed up with all of this traffic! |
Ir sobre ruedas
Literal Translation | To go on wheels |
Meaning | To happen easily without problems |
Similar English Idiom | To run smoothly, to run like clockwork |
Example | La clase va sobre ruedas. The class is running smoothly. |
Encontrar tu media naranja
Literal Translation | Find your half orange |
Meaning | Meet your soulmate or spouse |
Similar English Idiom | Find your other half |
Example | He encontrado a mi media naranja. I’ve found my better half. |
Estar como una cabra
Literal Translation | To be like a goat |
Meaning | Behaving strangely or out of the ordinary |
Similar English Idiom | To be crazy |
Example | Estás como una cabra. You’re completely crazy. |
De punta en blanco
Literal Translation | On point in white |
Meaning | Dressed up |
Similar English Idiom | All dolled up, dressed to the nines |
Example | ¡Vas de punta en blanco! You’re all dressed up! |
Tener mala leche
Literal Translation | To have bad milk |
Meaning | To be upset , to have bad intentions |
Similar English Idiom | Down in the dumps, bent out of shape |
Example | Ten cuidado con Ana porque tiene mala leche. Be careful with Ana because she has bad intentions.. |
No tener pelos en la lengua
Literal Translation | Not have hairs on the tongue |
Meaning | To be straightforward |
Similar English Idiom | To speak your mind, to tell it like it is |
Example | No tengo pelos en la lengua. I’m not afraid to speak my mind. |
Se te durmió el gallo
Literal Translation | The rooster fell asleep |
Meaning | I woke up late |
Similar English Idiom | I overslept |
Example | Perdón por llegar tarde, se me durmió el gallo. |
Armar un pancho
Literal Translation | Making a scene |
Meaning | Being dramatic, arguing |
Similar English Idiom | Making a scene, causing a scene |
Example | No armes un pancho. Don’t make a scene. |
Echar una pestañita
Literal Translation | Throw an eyelash |
Meaning | Take a nap |
Similar English Idiom | Catch forty winks |
Example | Voy a echar una pestañita. I’m going to take a nap. |
Por si las moscas
Literal Translation | For if the flies |
Meaning | To protect against something that might happen |
Similar English Idiom | Just in case |
Example | Llevamos nuestros paraguas por si las moscas. Let’s bring our umbrellas just in case. |
Hacer un paro
Literal Translation | Do a strike |
Meaning | Help out, do a favor |
Similar English Idiom | Give me a hand |
Example | Me está haciendo un paro. He’s helping me out. |
Ser un gallina
Literal Translation | To be a hen |
Meaning | To be a coward, to be afraid |
Similar English Idiom | To be a chicken |
Example | No seas gallina. Don’t be a chicken. |
Estar en todo
Literal Translation | To be in everything |
Meaning | In control of things |
Similar English Idiom | On the ball, on top of things |
Example | ¿Te diste cuenta del error verdad? ¡Qué bárbaro,estás en todo! Did you realize the mistake didn´t you? Wow, you´re in everything! |
Estar hecho un ají
Literal Translation | To be made a chili pepper |
Meaning | To be very angry |
Similar English Idiom | Seeing red |
Example | Está hecho un ají. He’s very angry. |
Echar agua al mar
Literal Translation | Throw water into the sea |
Meaning | Doing something useless or ineffective |
Similar English Idiom | Herding cats |
Example | Estudiar ahora para el examen que tendrás en una hora es como echar agua al mar. Studying now for the exam you will have in one hour is pointless. |
No ver tres en un burro
Literal Translation | Can’t see three (people) on a donkey |
Meaning | Has terrible eyesight |
Similar English Idiom | Blind as a bat |
Example | Sin gafas no veo tres en un burro. Without glasses, I can’t see anything. |
Dar la vuelta a la tortilla
Literal Translation | Flip the tortilla over |
Meaning | Change the situation dramatically |
Similar English Idiom | Turn the tables |
Example | Mi hermana dio la vuelta a la tortilla y ganó el juego. My sister turned the tables and won the game. |
No hay color
Literal Translation | Doesn’t have color |
Meaning | One is much better than the other |
Similar English Idiom | Can’t be compared |
Example | Este es el mejor libro. No hay color. This is the best book. Nothing can be compared. |
Spanish Homeschool Curriculum
For an authentic Spanish language learning experience, you’ll want to check out our Llamitas Spanish Curriculum for kids. This thematic curriculum is rooted in Hispanic culture, with lessons that enrich your child’s Spanish vocabulary through authentic songs, stories, games and more!
Whether you’re a bilingual family or you want to learn Spanish alongside your child, this full-year program has you covered with scripts, lessons, and engaging activities. Homeschooling a foreign language doesn’t have to be hard when you have the right resources.
Our open & go curriculum has everything you need to teach your child Spanish at home, with no prep work or guesswork required from you!