In this post: Read our honest review of TalkBox.Mom and discover how you can learn to speak a foreign language with this subscription box. Post contains affiliate links.

Are you looking for a homeschool resource that actually gets your child SPEAKING the foreign language you’re learning at home?

Talkbox.Mom is a deluxe language learning subscription box with more than 10 languages on offer. In this review, we’re focusing on the Spanish box.

At Llamitas Spanish® we are passionate about helping families successfully raise bilingual kids. That’s why we are delighted to share this fantastic resource as a great option for families who need more support in practicing speaking the language in real life!

We received the first Talkbox.Mom subscription box called ‘The Snacks and Kitchen box’ and we bundled it with the Spanish Phrasebook.

Spanish phrase book and materials for the snack box
Photo credit: Talkbox.Mom

TalkBox.Mom’s theory is that your children will learn Spanish the same way they learnt English: talking as life happens! 

What Age is Talkbox.Mom for?

Unlike grade level curriculum, we think this box can be enjoyed by a wide range of ages. Due to the type of materials inside, we suggest families with children in Elementary through High School.

In terms of fluency level, we think it is perfect for non-native speakers who need help with vocabulary acquisition and pronunciation support.

For bilingual families, or those looking for a more traditional and academic Spanish curriculum for Preschool through Elementary, visit our Llamitas Spanish® curriculum shop.

What’s Included in a TalkBox.Mom Box?

Each box is themed and comes with 3 challenges (activities) and a series of high quality materials. Our first box was ‘The Snacks and Kitchen Box’.

learning material included in a Talkbox.Mom subscription box

Vocabulary Learning Chart

Display your vocabulary chart! They are SO beautiful! We were really impressed by how they draw you in and get you excited for speaking Spanish.

We recommend placing them somewhere you visit regularly- it makes sense to put it on your fridge for the ‘Snacks & Kitchen’ theme.

Skim the vocabulary so you are ready to refer back to it when your child (undoubtedly) asks for a snack. Your child will have daily phrases like “Quiero galletas de pescaditos, por favor” (“I want some goldfish crackers, please” ) memorized by the end of the week!

language flashcards on a fridge

Native Speaker App

Download and use the native speaker audio app! Choose about 5 words and 2 phrases a day, but you could start with 5 a week. It’s totally up to you how you pace it.

Click the heart in the app, and then view them regularly in the ‘We are learning’ section.

Native speaker app and sentences in Spanish

Language Challenges

Another great activity is completing the challenges!

There are 3 challenges in the box with detailed instructions on how to complete them and how to track your progress.

Challenge #3 caught our eye. We had 50 beautifully made flashcards that had Spanish vocabulary and phrases for each item in the kitchen.

You can put a handful on the table at dinnertime and take turns practicing the sentences.

Spanish flashcards

Talkbox.Mom Spanish Phrasebook

We also bundled to include the Spanish phrasebook. It’s super handy and alphabetized,  like a dictionary.

If you a looking for a really useful phrasebook customized for homeschool families, we really recommend using it alongside the audio in the app.

Other Fun Facts about Talkbox.Mom

  • Created by Native Speakers

That’s right- the boxes are created by professional translators, editors, and voice artists. All translations are not literal, but rather how a native speaker would convey the information. This is SO important!

  • Facebook Group 

There is a closed TalkBox.Mom Facebook Group just for the members of the program. They provide support, encouragement and even do prizes and incentives.

  • No Upfront Commitment

You can pause your subscription whenever you need to so you’re never locked in. This is especially helpful if you have to move house or you’re on vacation for a while.

  • Made to Last Resources

Without a doubt, Talkbox.Mom is one of the more expensive language learning kits on the market. However, their resources are high quality- from the posters, to the flashcards and handouts- they are built for heavy handed kids in mind.

Plus, the companion audio app is what makes this program truly exceptional.

  • Free Shipping 

OK, so shipping is never truly free. It’s baked into the price. But it is a nice bonus not to have added cost at checkout.

Talkbox.Mom Phrase Planner

We also wanted to share this beautiful Phrase Planner.

If you are a more traditional, pen and paper mama, then this is for you! It can help keep your foreign language goals on track in learning new phrases and reaching your language learning goals!

planner and flowers on table

Shop Talkbox.Mom

Ready to try your first box? You can SHOP HERE and start your Talkbox.Mom journey today!

Want more Spanish resources? Check out these related posts:

Elementary Homeschool Spanish Curriculum

Preschool and Kindergarten Spanish Curriculum

Best Spanish Subscription Boxes

contents of the snack box including vocab charts and vocabulary cards