In this post: Celebrate World Kindness Day with our favorite Spanish books about ‘la bondad’! Plus learn synonyms for ‘kind’ in Spanish! Post contains affiliate links.

We all want to raise kind and empathetic children. Some of my proudest parenting moments have been watching my children help each other out or ask “Are you OK?” when someone else is hurt.

Celebrating World Kindness Day is the perfect opportunity to start learning about la bondad—kindness—while learning related vocabulary in Spanish.

Spanish books about kindness

At Llamitas Spanish, we love to support homeschool families and co-ops in providing fun, thematic ideas for learning Spanish. Living out those themes in real life is a great way to apply their learning, too.

These Spanish books about kindness are the perfect way to celebrate World Kindness Day and learn how we can spread joy every day!

When is World Kindness Day?

World Kindness Day is observed internationally on November 13th, or el 13 de noviembre in Spanish.

This holiday is a wonderful opportunity to promote kindness and make acts of kindness, small or big, a part of our daily lives. Because while we all might need a reminder from time to time, making kindness a lifelong habit has the power to bring us together and make the world a better place. That goal is at the core of World Kindness Day.

Related post: Months of the Year Song in Spanish for Kids

What is World Kindness Day?

The first World Kindness Day was November 13, 1998. This holiday was started by the World Kindness Movement, an international non-governmental organization (NGO), together with similarly-minded kindness organizations from around the world. 

While we can all get on board with the idea of spreading kindness, the World Kindness Movement takes this a step further with their mission, stated on their website: “to inspire individuals and connect nations to create a kinder world.” 

They do this by helping communities establish their own kindness organizations, sharing ideas and experiences, supporting global kindness initiatives, and much more.

But anyone can celebrate World Kindness Day!

From small acts of kindness, like holding a door or simply smiling at someone who might appreciate it, to bigger things like volunteering at a local organization or spending an afternoon helping out a neighbor, there are so many ways we can spread love and kindness every day.

If you’re in need of inspiration or ideas for how you can be involved, check out some of these organizations:

How Do You Say “World Kindness Day” in Spanish?

If you’re planning a Spanish lesson about World Kindness Day, you’ll need to know some key words and phrases, including how to say “World Kindness Day” in Spanish.

World Kindness Day in Spanish is El Día Mundial de la Bondad.

Pronunciation: ehl dee – ah moon – dyahl deh lah bohn – dahd

To break this down a bit further:

  • día = day
  • mundial = worldwide
  • bondad = kindness

Different Ways to Say “Kind” in Spanish

As you may have already suspected, there’s more than just one way to say “kind” in Spanish! Here are a few different ways you can say it:

Spanish Pronunciation English Translation
amable ah – mah – bleh kind
gentil hehn – teel courteous
cortés kohr – tehs polite
bondadoso bohn – dah – doh – soh kind
servicial sehr – bee – syahl helpful
respetuoso rrehs – peh – twoh – soh respectful
simpático seem – pah – tee – koh nice
cordial kohr – dyahl friendly
atento ah – tehn – toh thoughtful
Different Ways to say Kind in Spanish

If you want to express gratitude for an act of kindness or praise someone for doing a good deed, you might say one of these Spanish phrases related to kindness:

Spanish English Translation
¡Qué amable! How kind!
¡Qué cortés!  How courteous!
¡Muy amable de tu parte! That’s very kind of you!
¡Qué lindo de tu parte! How nice of you!
¡Eres muy amable, gracias! You are very kind, thank you!

Related post: Expressing Emotions and Feelings in Spanish

Spanish Books About Kindness

At Llamitas Spanish, we believe in the power of reading in supporting biliteracy. We’re also passionate about providing parents with the best resources to make your job easier!

That’s why we’re sharing our favorite Spanish children’s books about kindness. Be sure to read some of these with your child so they can learn more about la bondad while building their Spanish skills:

Actos bondadosos by Rebecca Pettiford


Actos bondadosos (Showing Kindness) (Bullfrog Books: Spanish Edition)…

  • Rebecca Pettiford (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 24 Pages – 01/01/2018 (Publication Date) – Jump!, Inc. (Publisher)

We love the simple text and real-life images in this book from Bullfrog Books. It’s full of accessible ideas for young kids to spread kindness in their everyday life and perfect for building early Spanish literacy skills.

Loving Kindness / Bondad Amorosa by Whitney Stewart


Mindful Tots: Loving Kindness / Niños Mindful: Bondad amarosa (English and…

  • Stewart, Whitney (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 14 Pages – 02/01/2020 (Publication Date) – Barefoot Books (Publisher)

If you’re raising mindful little ones, you will adore this book from the Niños Mindful (Mindful Tots) series. They’ll learn ways to share loving kindness through colorful illustrations and straightforward text they can understand. What a great way to show kids how helping others can make us feel good too!

¿Puedo unirme a tu club? by John Kelly

Puedo unirme a tu club children's book

Filled with silly illustrations and fun animal sounds, kids will love this quirky picture book with an important message of accepting others, including those who are different from us. This is an excellent choice for school-age children who are learning to navigate friendships.

Nos tratamos bien by Lucía Serrano

Nos tratamos bien: Un cuento sobre el respeto / We Treat Each Other Well: A…

  • Hardcover Book
  • Serrano, Lucía (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 36 Pages – 09/19/2023 (Publication Date) – Beascoa (Publisher)

We adore the message of this book—we treat each other well. Because no matter how unique we all are, everyone wants to be treated well. It may seem like a simple concept, but kids will relate to the illustrations and easy to follow examples in this book.

Somos amables by Alice Le Hénand

Somos amables (Soy Mayor) (Spanish Edition)

  • Hardcover Book
  • Le Hénand, Alice (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 14 Pages – 09/15/2017 (Publication Date) – Editorial Luis Vives (Edelvives) (Publisher)

This sweet book is perfect for younger kids to learn about kindness and manners. They’ll love seeing the little animals as they learn how to behave in certain situations, just as they are learning too. It also has pull tabs that change the pictures, making it even more entertaining for young readers!

I Am Kind / Yo Soy Amable by Habbi Habbi

Habbi Habbi Bilingual book

If you haven’t heard of Habbi Habbi’s bilingual books, you’ll definitely want to take a look around their website. These awesome interactive bilingual books can be used with their Reading Wand (purchased separately), so your child can hear the text, plus additional vocabulary, phrases, music, sounds, and more! Your child will have so much fun reading about how they can be kind and helpful every day.

I Need a Hug / Necesito un abrazo by Aaron Blabey

I Need a Hug / Necesito un abrazo (Scholastic Bilingual) (Spanish Edition)

  • Blabey, Aaron (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 09/03/2019 (Publication Date) – Scholastic en español (Publisher)

In this adorable bilingual picture book, a prickly porcupine struggles to find someone willing to hug him—until he comes across an unexpected friend. With simple text and fun illustrations, this one is a great reminder not to judge a book by its cover!

Todo el mundo cabe aquí by Alexandra Penfold


Todo el mundo cabe aquí (An All Are Welcome Book) (Spanish Edition)

  • Hardcover Book
  • Penfold, Alexandra (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 44 Pages – 06/21/2022 (Publication Date) – Knopf Books for Young Readers (Publisher)

Imagine a school where everyone feels welcome and included—that’s exactly what this beautiful picture book is about. It does an excellent job of depicting and celebrating the diversity in our world.

El conejo escuchó by Cori Doerrfeld


El conejo escuchó (Spanish Edition)

  • Doerrfeld, Cori (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 40 Pages – 03/22/2022 (Publication Date) – Dial Books (Publisher)

Sometimes, all we need is someone to listen, which is what this sweet story teaches kids. This picture book is a great reminder that being kind can mean something as easy as being there for someone who needs to talk.

La amabilidad es mi Superpoder by Alicia Ortego

La amabilidad es mi Superpoder: un libro para niños sobre la empatía, el…

  • Ortego, Alicia (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 38 Pages – 03/21/2021 (Publication Date) – Independently published (Publisher)

What kid doesn’t want to be a superhero? This book teaches kids how kindness can be their superpower, through wonderful illustrations and concrete examples that show just how easy it is to be kind.

Related post: 24 Spanish Books about Love & Friendship

Homeschool Spanish Curriculum Levels

At Llamitas Spanish, we’re passionate about giving parents the tools they need to raise bilingual and biliterate children. We offer sequential curriculum levels that were developed specifically with children’s interests and needs in mind, with thematic lessons rooted in Hispanic culture.

Llamitas Spanish curriculum box and textbook mockup

Our robust, open & go curriculum series has everything you need to teach your kids Spanish from the early years through elementary age. Check out our Curriculum Shop so you can get started!