In this post: Find out how you can teach your kids all about the 4th of July in Spanish and access our Spanish worksheets.

As a mom, I look forward to summer as a time to rest and recharge a bit after the nonstop busyness of the school year—and I know my kids deserve a bit of a brain break too! But that doesn’t mean we need to cease all learning for three months either.

In fact, summer can be the perfect time to take a break from “book work” and continue your child’s language learning through thematic and relevant materials.

Holidays like the 4th of July can be an opportunity to develop vocabulary and language skills in context, which is so important for it to really stick.

children smiling and celebrating the 4th of July by holding the United States of America flag under bunting

While the 4th of July isn’t an authentic Hispanic culture holiday, it’s widely celebrated by many Latinos and their families living in the United States.

So, if you’re ready to teach your kids about the 4th of July in Spanish, keep reading! We have everything you need to enjoy the holiday fun while building those Spanish skills.

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How do you say 4th of July in Spanish?

When introducing the 4th of July in Spanish lessons, there are a few key phrases you’ll want to know. For one, you’ll need to know how to actually say “4th of July” in Spanish.

There are two ways you might say it:

Spanish English Translation
El cuatro de julio The fourth of July
El Día de la Independencia de Estados Unidos United States’ Independence Day

You may have noticed that in “el cuatro de julio” the “J” isn’t capitalized. That’s because, unlike in English, the Spanish months of the year aren’t capitalized. However, you may see some people capitalize it in “El Cuatro de Julio” since that’s often used as the unofficial name of the holiday.

Want to wish your friends and family a happy 4th of July in Spanish? Here’s how you’d say it:

Spanish English Translation
¡Feliz cuatro de julio! Happy fourth of July!
¡Feliz Día de la Independencia! Happy Independence Day!

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Spanish Vocabulary for 4th of July

If you’re planning an entire Spanish lesson around the 4th of July, you’ll want to include some relevant vocabulary as well. 

Once you’ve gone over how to say “happy fourth of July” in Spanish, we recommend learning the following vocabulary:

Spanish Pronunciation English Translation
bandera bahn – deh – rah flag
libertad lee – behr – tahd freedom
patriota pah – tryoh – tah patriotic / patriot
estrellas ehs – treh – yahs stars
rayas rrah – yahs stripes
rojo rroh – hoh red
blanco blahn – koh white
azul ah – sool blue
fogata foh – gah – tah bonfire
hamburguesa ahm – boor – geh – sah hamburger
sandía sahn – dee – ah watermelon
elote eh – loh – teh corn on the cob
himno nacional eem – noh nah – syoh – nahl national anthem
águila calva ah – gee – lah kahl – bah bald eagle
El Presidente ehl preh – see – dehn – teh The President
La Casa Blanca lah kah – sah blahng – kah The White House
Los Padres Fundadores lohs pah – drehs foon – dah – dohr – ehs The Founding Fathers
El Congreso ehl kohng – greh – soh The Congress

Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish

What better time to introduce the US Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish than Independence Day? If your kids are elementary age, they may already be reciting it in English daily and be familiar with the rhythm of it—so you might be surprised how quickly they memorize this!

The pledge of allegiance in Spanish with bunting

If you have younger kids, you may still have to introduce the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish and English. It might be a little tricky for preschoolers, so just have fun with it and don’t expect too much!

The Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish:

Yo prometo lealtad a la bandera de los Estados Unidos de América

y a la República que representa,

una nación bajo Dios entera

con libertad y justicia para todos.

The Pledge of Allegiance in English:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands

one nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.

Llamitas Spanish 4th of July Printables

Looking for a super easy way to incorporate the 4th of July into your Spanish lessons? You don’t want to miss our Spanish 4th of July printables, available in our Freebie Library only for the months of June and July!

Spanish printables for kids showing statue of liberty, fireworks, and food

This mini unit will be added to our Holiday and Seasonal Bundle after July, but you can get it for free for two months by registering here for the Freebie Library.

Included in our 4th of July unit are the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish, coloring pages, vocabulary games, and more!

So you’ll want to check this out before you get started doing all of the hard work of lesson planning (and then skip the planning altogether!).

Plus, you’re also gaining access to our free library containing other thematic lessons, games, music, resource guides, and so much more to help you along the way as you give your child the gift of bilingualism.

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Llamitas Spanish Holiday & Seasonal Bundle

Don’t let the holiday fun end after the fourth—you can enjoy learning about the holidays in Spanish all year with our Llamitas Spanish® Holiday and Seasonal Bundle!

samples of the digital Spanish lessons for the holidays

In the Holiday and Seasonal Bundle, you’ll find four seasonal units plus a variety of authentic Spanish holiday units—including Día de Muertos, La Navidad, and many more holidays throughout the year.

This bundle is the perfect way to discover traditions and Hispanic culture through crafts, recipes, music, games, and even more activities your kids will love—all while building their biliteracy!