In this post: Learn about Career Day in Spanish, including vocabulary on jobs and professions. Plus our favorite Spanish books and songs about careers. Post contains affiliate links.

If your kids are anything like mine, they might have several different careers in mind for the future. Maybe they want to be a construction worker by day, an artist by night, and a baker on the weekend. Or, perhaps their dream job changes from day to day.

Can you really blame them, though? There certainly are a lot of exciting possibilities!

Career Day is the perfect opportunity to learn about different careers and how to talk about them in Spanish.

Jobs and Careers in Spanish

Schools often invite parents and professionals in for a Career Day. National Career Development Month is also observed throughout the month of November. This is a great time for kids to learn about the professions that interest them.

At Llamitas Spanish, we love to support homeschool families by providing fun thematic ideas for learning Spanish. We also believe that living out those themes in real life is a great way for kids to apply their learning.

That’s why we’re sharing these Career Day Spanish resources with you! So get ready to learn all about careers in Spanish and keep looking forward to the future.

How Do You Say “Career” in Spanish?

The most direct translation of “career” in Spanish is la carrera. But another common way to say this is la profesión.

Of course, there are many ways to talk about someone’s career or job in Spanish. Check out some of these career-related Spanish vocabulary words for example:

Spanish Pronunciation English Translation
carrera kah-rreh-rah career
profesión proh-feh-syohn profession
empleo ehm-pleh-oh employment, job
trabajo trah-bah-hoh work, job
profesional proh-feh-syoh-nahl professional
~de carrera deh kah-rreh-rah professional ____, career (adjective)

Kids love to talk about what they want to be when they grow up. To ask and answer the question of “What do you want to be when you’re older?” you can use the following:

Question: ¿Qué quieres ser tú cuando seas mayor?

Answer: Quiero ser ________ cuando sea mayor.


Question: ¿Qué quieres ser tú cuando seas grande?

Answer: Quiero ser _______ cuando sea grande.

Here are some other fun Spanish expressions related to careers:

Spanish Pronunciation English Translation
mujer de carrera moo-hehr deh kah-rreh-rah career woman
hombre de carrera ohm-breh deh kah-rreh-rah career man
feria del empleo feh-ryah dehl ehm-pleh-oh career fair
cambio de profesión kahm-byoh deh proh-feh-syohn career switch
promoción proh-moh-syohn promotion

Related post: Community Helpers Spanish Lessons

Jobs and Careers List in Spanish

You’ll likely notice when looking at various careers in Spanish that they can be either masculine or feminine. This depends on the gender of the person the word refers to. Generally, nouns will have an -o or -a ending, but there are exceptions you’ll want to pay close attention to.

We’ve got you covered with our complete list of careers in Spanish, in alphabetical order and with both the masculine and feminine forms:

Masculine Feminine English Translation
el abogado la abogada lawyer
el actor la actriz actor / actress
el arqueólogo la arqueóloga archaeologist
el arquitecto la arquitecta architect
el artista la artista artist
el astronauta la astronauta astronaut
el atleta la atleta athlete
el bailarín la bailarína dancer
el bibliotecario la bibliotecaria librarian
el bombero la bombera firefighter
el camarero la camarera waiter / waitress
el cantante la cantante singer
el cartero la cartera mail carrier
el científico la científica scientist
el cocinero la cocinera cook
el constructor la constructora builder
el contador la contadora accountant
el dentista la dentista dentist
el doctor la doctora doctor
el enfermero la enfermera nurse
el entrenador la entrenadora coach
el escritor la escritora writer
el fontanero la fontanera plumber
el fotógrafo la fotógrafa photographer
el granjero la granjera farmer
el ingeniero la ingeniera engineer
el juez la jueza judge
el maestro la maestra teacher
el mecánico la mecánica mechanic
el modelo la modelo model
el músico la músico musician
el niñero la niñera nanny / babysitter
el panadero la panadera baker
el paramédico la paramédica paramedic
el pastor la pastora church pastor / minister
el peluquero la peluquera hairdresser
el periodista la periodista journalist / reporter
el piloto la piloto pilot
el policía la policía police officer
el programador la programadora computer programmer
el terapeuta la terapeuta therapist / counselor
el veterinario la veterinaria veterinarian 

Spanish Books about Careers

Reading books about careers together is an excellent way to enrich your thematic Spanish lesson! With engaging illustrations, your kids will be able to further explore careers that pique their interest and improve their Spanish!

Here are some of our favorite Spanish children’s books about careers:

  • ¡Mi comunidad! / My Community! by 123 Andrés – This lovely bilingual book will teach your kids all about community helpers. Plus it will get them thinking about how they can help others too. It even includes two songs in Spanish and English to enjoy!

¡Mi comunidad! • My Community! (Spanish and English Edition)

  • 123 Andrés (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 09/15/2021 (Publication Date) – Scholastic Teaching Resources (Publisher)

  • Habbi Habbi Book of Careers (Moms) Kids can learn all about the different jobs working moms might have with this interactive bilingual book. From banking to running the home, each page includes loads of vocabulary words related to the pictured career, too.
  • Habbi Habbi Book of Careers (Dads)Just like the Book of Careers featuring moms, this interactive book shows men working in a variety of fields representative of real dads. Careers include working as a nurse, a mayor, an astronaut, or take care of their children full-time.
  • ¿Qué quieres ser de mayor? by Catherine Barr – With charming illustrations and descriptions, this picture book introduces kids to a wide variety of careers, some familiar and some that may even be new to you! 

¿Qué quieres ser de mayor? (Somos8) (Spanish Edition)

  • Hardcover Book
  • Barr, Catherine (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 04/16/2024 (Publication Date) – NubeOcho (Publisher)

Visita al veterinario/ Pets at the Vet (Trabajadores De La Comunidad/…

  • McKinnon, Elaine (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 24 Pages – 12/30/2016 (Publication Date) – Powerkids Pr (Publisher)

  • Yasmin series by Saadia Faruqi – Fully translated into Spanish. This series follows a young girl on new adventures like cooking up her own recipe for a party and even caring for animals at the zoo. Books like Yasmin la chef, Yasmin la maestra, and Yasmin la guardiana del zoo are sure to be a hit with your kids!


Yasmin la maestra/ Yasmin the Teacher (Yasmin en español/ Yasmin in…

  • Faruqi, Saadia (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 24 Pages – 01/01/2020 (Publication Date) – Picture Window Books (Publisher)


Curious George and the Firefighters/Jorge el curioso y los bomberos:…

  • Rey, H. A. (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 24 Pages – 02/10/2015 (Publication Date) – Clarion Books (Publisher)

  • Buenas noches, construcción. Buenas noches, diversión. by Sherri Duskey Rinker – The bestselling picture book Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site is also available in Spanish. It is perfect for any future construction workers who can’t get enough of bulldozers, excavators, and other hardworking machines.


Buenas noches, construcción. Buenas noches, diversión. (Goodnight,…

  • Hardcover Book
  • Rinker, Sherri Duskey (Author)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)
  • 32 Pages – 03/05/2019 (Publication Date) – Chronicle Books (Publisher)

Spanish YouTube Songs about Careers

Music is an essential part of our curricula at Llamitas Spanish! We love to support parents with the best resources we can find. With music, you can have fun singing along or just listening for some additional Spanish input.

Check out some of these fun Spanish songs about careers on YouTube:

Homeschool Spanish Curriculum Levels

Looking for an easy and fun way to teach your kids Spanish at home? Our academically robust, open & go curriculum series at Llamitas Spanish is perfect for families raising bilingual and biliterate children.

Spanish jobs and careers

Our Level 1 Spanish Curriculum is where you’ll find our unit on community helpers. In addition there are 11 other topics geared toward young learners! From exploring the ocean to the farm, outer space, and more! 

Related post: Preschool and Kindergarten Spanish Lessons