In this post: Our favorite ‘canciones infantiles’ channels on YouTube. These channels include Spanish songs for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.
One really great way to leverage screen time for your kids is with Spanish music videos on YouTube!
Kids LOVE music and it is one of the most effective ways for them to learn Spanish.
In fact, our Llamitas Spanish families often highlight the songs in our curriculum levels as the highlight for their kids!
By combining music and movement, your child will be more likely to increase their vocabulary acquisition and associate Spanish learning with fun!
Table of Contents
What are Canciones infantiles?
Canciones infantiles are ‘children’s songs’. The term can also be used to describe nursery rhymes. Let’s dive in to the best ‘canciones infantiles’ on YouTube!
Tip: To see more info on each channel, click the icon in the top left corner of the video.
Best Spanish Songs for Kids on YouTube
Super Simple Español
With almost 3 million subscribers, Super Simple Español is quickly becoming one of the most popular Youtube channels for Preschool Spanish.
They include familiar Spanish nursery rhymes, as well as more unique and fun thematic songs, such as going to the zoo and learning about pets.
Related Post: Here’s Why Thematic Spanish Lessons for Kids Actually Work
Canticos includes bilingual songs (in English and Spanish) with beautiful animations. They are a top pick for bilingual families in the USA!
Your children will become familiar with the characters like Ricky, Nicky and Kiki as well as many others. This channel is packed with compilations of traditional Spanish nursery rhymes.
Little Baby Bum in Spanish
Search for any children’s song on YouTube and you’ll likely stumble upon Little Baby Bum. Teaching colors, numbers, the alphabet, as well as offering lots of the classic nursery rhymes. It’s a great option for toddlers and preschoolers!
But did you know this channel is available in Spanish now too? Hooray!
Gallina Pintadita
This channel has subtitles in a sing-along format! It feels like Karaoke in that sense! It is great for older learners who can read, or for parents who want to join in!
The channel has less videos than others, but there are plenty of popular options like Spanish translations of Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Check out Perro Amigo, too. If you are dog lovers, you will enjoy it!
Tooby’s Español
This channel has calmer animations which avoid ‘over stimulation’ for our peques.
There are lots of fun popular authentic, Spanish nursery rhymes including A mi burro, Los pollitos dicen pío pío pío, 5 monitos and Un elefante se balanceaba.
Toy Cantando
Toy Cantando has a lot of short stories as well as nursery rhymes like this popular one ‘La vaca Lola’.
The songs in this channel definitely have a lot more going on! It’s engaging but sometimes a little overloaded, but they provide lots of newer, lesser known songs. A great option for discovering brand new songs in Spanish!
Canta con Jess
A fantastic option for families that want to see a native speaker, as opposed to cartoons.
These songs are really engaging and follow traditional nursery rhymes like Spanish versions of Itsy Bitsy Spider, Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, as well as videos about colors and months of the year.
El Reino Infantil
With over a billion views, this is a highly popular channel!
There are a range of songs about the zoo, farm, numbers, ABCs, and songs about the adventures of Plim Plim (the character in the video above!)
Leoncito Alado
Several of the songs in Leoncito Alado are lullabies, like La Lechuza.
There are also several classical music songs that can help your baby sleep, or that you can play in the background during quiet time.
La Granja de Zenón
La Granja de Zenón (Zenon’s Farm) is another channel of fun songs by El Reino Infantil.
It’s about a group of characters including Señora Vaca (Mrs Cow), Los Seis Patitos (the 6 ducklings), El Pavo y la Pava (turkeys), El Pollito Pio (Chicken Pio), y El Caballo Verde (the green horse), to name just a few.
This channel has a range of songs from very traditional, authentic Spanish nursery rhymes to well known translations, like Incy Wincy Spider.
*This channel is not for complete beginners- the language is more suited to intermediate and advanced Spanish learners*
Related Post: Authentic Spanish Nursery Rhymes
Llamitas Spanish Curriculum
Are you looking for an authentic, completely open-and-go Spanish curriculum for your little linguist?

With dozens of beautiful ‘canciones infantiles’, our Spanish curriculum levels offer plenty of opportunities to learn traditional Spanish nursery rhymes!
>> Be sure to visit our curriculum shop to learn more!
Founder of the Llamitas Spanish® Curriculum and former Spanish teacher. Corrie holds two Master Degrees in Spanish and Education. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband and two bilingual children.