Groups larger than 10 students
Extended Licenses
When purchasing any of our Llamitas Spanish Curriculum courses, you are agreeing to our personal use only legal terms.
This means you are legally permitted to use the materials within your own household and in small classes of up to 10 students, provided you are the teacher.
Sharing your login with other parents or teachers in your Co-op or school is strictly forbidden and is an infringement of our legal terms and conditions.
To grant access to more teachers, or class sizes larger than 10 students you must purchase an extended license that links to your existing account.
How it works
Step 1: Purchase a Curriculum Level
Before adding an extended license, you must purchase the curriculum level you wish to use with your students FIRST. Then come back to this page!
Already purchased? Move onto step 2!
Step 2: Pick your extended license tier.
Choose the relevant tier based on the number of teachers and students using the program.
We require you to use the same name and email on your extended license that was used to purchase the curriculum in step 1. This is so we can match it!
Step 3: Pay and receive an invoice
Upon payment completion you will receive an invoice that confirms your extended license agreement for your account.
We will match it to your curriculum purchase from step 1. You’re all set!
Frequently Asked Questions

Like our curriculum courses, licenses are also a one-time payment. There are no renewal fees.
If your licensing needs changing, for example, you need to move up tiers, please contact us here so we can assist you.
Please see our co-op page for more information.
If you have more than 10 students, please contact us here so we can send you a quote.
Under your personal license you may make copies for up to 10 students provided the lessons are taught during class time with you.
If parents wish to complete the lessons at home (outside of your co-op time) they will need to purchase their own access in our curriculum shop.
Please also refer to our co-op page for more information.
If you have further questions, click here to contact us so we can help you!